The Think Rags Experience awakens all of the senses with these twenty-four educational videos. This Experience shares self-care techniques and provides you with various tools you can begin to apply in your life to aid in your personal development. Through this Experience, you will gain a deeper understanding of how thoughts, emotional responses, behaviors, and attitudes, just Shifts of Energy we all experience, affect the connection to the Mind, Body, and Spirit as well as our connection with others. The Think Rags Experience is an opportunity to empower yourself to consciously make well-informed and wise decisions that lead to a life of Growth, Understanding, Truth, and Fulfillment.
This is Where
Education & Enlightenment
Meet and it Begins With You!
1Congratulations and Welcome to Your Think Rags Experience!
2Who We Are At Our Core
3What is Yoga, Meditating, and Meditation?
4What is a Mantra?
5What is a Chakra?
6What is the Root Chakra?
7What is the Sacral Chakra?
8What is the Solar Plexus Chakra?
9What is the Heart Chakra?
10What is the Throat Chakra?
11What is the Third Eye Chakra?
12What is the Crown Chakra?
13What is Flower and Plant Energy?
14What are Crystals?
15The Benefits of Music
16What is the Law of Attraction and Empowered Living?
17The Benefits of Journaling
18What is Mindful Breathing?
19How to Pratice Mindful Breathing The Mechanics
20What is Drawing the Energy?
21How to Practice Drawing the Energy with an Object
22How to Practice Drawing the Energy by Contracting and Relaxing the Muscles in the Body
23How to Practice Drawing the Energy with a Thought
24Collect, Connect, and Direct The Energy